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“Both our kids were in traditional therapy and not getting anywhere. We realized that about a year into therapy, they didn't need help dissecting the past but needed help in the present day and planning for the future. Traditional therapy just wasn't the right fit. I found Dr. McNally via Instagram and started following her. I was excited to see her posts and learn about her approach, as it seemed to be exactly what our kids needed.

Dr. McNally's kind, supportive demeanor resonated with both my teenagers, and they have both worked with Dr. McNally. They have learned new ways to frame their thoughts, how understand and develop their life values and plan for their futures, but we saw the biggest impact from her working with our 17-year-old son.

Our son went from a narrow-minded approach to his future (specifically around college) to an open mind, exploring a variety of colleges, thinking outside the box, working on his life values, and how to use those values to help shape his future. Dr. McNally even taught our son how to organize and schedule his life so he could learn to prioritize time doing what he loves most: being outside. Our son just graduated high school and is heading to a college that wasn't even on his radar 18 months ago; I am convinced we are where we are today with our kids because Dr. McNally has a gift for working with teens.

My kids are thriving, and so much of the credit goes to Dr. McNally; she has done what we as parents couldn't do for our kids, partly because we lack the skill set and mostly because teenagers don't want advice or coaching from parents!”

Kristen C (mother of two teen clients)