Hi, I’m Melanie!

I help people tune out the noise of the world so they can tune into who they’re meant to be. I’m a clinical psychologist, brain coach, speaker, and author who wants to help YOU maximize your potential so you get the most out of life.

My books, The Emotionally Intelligent Teen: Skills to Help You Deal with What You Feel, Build Stronger Relationships, and Boost Self-Confidence, and Helping Your Unmotivated Teen: A Parent’s Guide to Unlock Your Child’s Potential give teens and parents the tools they need to fully reach their potential

I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional home and struggled with anxiety most of the time. I worried about everything— grades, what others thought of me, my parent’s constant fighting, my future, money, swim meets and softball games... you name it, I worried about it.

I had chronic stomach aches and problems, trouble falling asleep, and felt irritable and grumpy a lot. And to make it worse, I was taught to hold in whatever I was feeling and that I should NEVER tell anyone what was going on inside me!

“We sought out Melanie when our 13-year-old daughter began to lose confidence. Until 13, she'd been an outspoken, fearless kid, but she was beginning to shrink into the background.  She's enjoyed her time with Melanie and has learned practical tools and exercises to build confidence and help her determine who she wants to become and how she navigates the world/school. We've seen her soar this past year since working with Melanie.  She joined the school play, tried choir for the first time and even joined a rock band (as a drummer)!”

Shelby S (mother of teen client)

My Education and Work Experience

I ended up learning about psychology during my undergraduate school and loved it; however, I wanted some life experience before I was going to do anything with it. As I told my mom at the age of 21, how could I help teens deal with life experiences if I had none myself? How could I help others with anxiety if I hadn’t yet learned how to deal with it on my own?

So off I went to San Francisco, where I gathered enough life experience to fill a few lifetimes— I traveled the country and the world, I met people from all walks of life, and I worked lots of fun jobs. I also used that time to go to therapy to learn how to deal with my anxiety, to journal, to create boundaries within unhealthy relationships, and to just learn how to like myself. Eventually, I felt ready to return to school and begin my graduate training, first with a master’s degree in counseling and then a doctorate in clinical psychology.

I empower people to better understand how the brain works so they can maximize their potential. Recognized nationally for my expertise, I was invited to the White House to discuss the paramount importance of teen mental health. I’ve also been featured in Fast Company, Business Insider, Parade Magazine, Parents Magazine, and more.

I love helping people find clarity, discover their voice, and blow the lid off as they jump into who they’re meant to be. Nothing makes me happier than hearing a client change their negative self-talk, become less anxious, and learn to like themselves, flaws and all.

I want every person to know that they can live a life aligned with their values. I want you to not just be the best version of yourself, but to be a version of yourself that you feel proud of. I want to be a part of the journey.

“Dr. Melanie is a highly engaging speaker who translates a deep understanding of the science behind her topics into relatable, actionable insights for the audience. After seeing her keynote at a conference, I hired her to present to my company—easily one of the best professional development investments we've made!

Dr. Melanie offered high-value tips to help all of us reduce burnout potential, increase efficiencies, and strengthen productivity. Because my team now has a better understanding of the science of flow, we're getting more work done at a higher quality, while intentionally carving out time to recharge our brains!

Heather W, Founder and President of Geben Communication

If you’re ready to take control of your story let’s connect.


with my free, digital guide for parents of tweens and teens. Inside, you’ll get five new ways to start engaging with your teen today!

“Both our kids were in traditional therapy and not getting anywhere. We realized that about a year into therapy, they didn't need help dissecting the past but needed help in the present day and planning for the future. Traditional therapy just wasn't the right fit. I found Dr. McNally via Instagram and started following her. I was excited to see her posts and learn about her approach, as it seemed to be exactly what our kids needed.

Dr. McNally's kind, supportive demeanor resonated with both my teenagers, and they have both worked with Dr. McNally. They have learned new ways to frame their thoughts, how understand and develop their life values and plan for their futures, but we saw the biggest impact from her working with our 17-year-old son.

Our son went from a narrow-minded approach to his future (specifically around college) to an open mind, exploring a variety of colleges, thinking outside the box, working on his life values, and how to use those values to help shape his future. Dr. McNally even taught our son how to organize and schedule his life so he could learn to prioritize time doing what he loves most: being outside. Our son just graduated high school and is heading to a college that wasn't even on his radar 18 months ago; I am convinced we are where we are today with our kids because Dr. McNally has a gift for working with teens.

My kids are thriving, and so much of the credit goes to Dr. McNally; she has done what we as parents couldn't do for our kids, partly because we lack the skill set and mostly because teenagers don't want advice or coaching from parents!”

Kristen C (mother of two teen clients)


Be sure to check out my articles on Psychology Today: Empower Your Mind

“My 16-year-old daughter had a hard time expressing her emotions — so even entertaining the idea of seeking help was difficult to discuss. After a “no pressure” intake call with Dr. Melanie, my daughter felt comfortable enough to begin. And that was the first small step we all needed. After our initial six months, our daughter chose to continue her sessions, and the improvement in her confidence and belief in herself has been remarkable.

Nisha A (mother of teen client)